Monday, February 16, 2015

The Almost Daily Beer And Bike Log: Feb. 16, 2015 Snow and Stout

So as the eternal winter continues, the bike remains in the shed. Most of what matters about the weekend this week was in my Beer to try Before you die bucket list. Where I found a nice Schlafly  Bourbon Barrel aged Imperial Stout, while searching for something else. 

Again it reminds me of the days when shopping for music or movies and you intend on buying one thing and discover something else that turned out to be great.

 So far very interesting, it does not seem like it is going to teach me anything about the actual brewing of beer, but some great info and encouragement for pushing on to making your own beer (or you could replace beer with any business venture and it is still a pretty good book so far)
I was able to get a run in before the extreme cold set in this weekend (don’t want to get on that bike and not be in any sort of physical shape that would not be as much fun, got to keep the lungs working)

Other than enjoying a nice Stout 

and getting some home stuff done not a very exciting weekend, and the week ahead doesn't seem like it is going to get much better. If something happens I will let you know……….

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