Monday, February 16, 2015

Beers To Try Before you Die or the Beer Bucket 52 List 7 of 52 Schlafly Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout

On Friday Afternoon I made a quick stop to get my wife some flowers, a couple of Steaks for the grill and I wanted to grab a bottle of SamAdams Double Bock which I had read about a day prior. 

Well I could check off the other two items, Valentines day mission complete on that front, but they did not have the beer I was looking for.

 I kind of felt like the these Stormtroopers looking for those damn Droids…. Well Double Bock I will find you!! Oh yes I will!!!!

 But I did find a beer I had seen while on other discovery missions. Schlafly  Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout 

Made locally here in St Louis, 

I figured why not try something from my own backyard this week.

 And it was an Imperial Stout aged in Bourbon barrels, what could possibly be bad about that? The answer. Nothing! It was a dark Malty beer that finished with a kick from the Kentucky Bourbon. This is the type of beer I want to make. Delicious.  Now the Kick was absolutely a kick, I had not had much to eat and was making some Pork steaks (a St Louis thing) on the grill, so sipping the beer before diner was ready and with the 10.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume) 
I assure you it was Schlafly even though I had the Sam Adams glass, I don't own a Stout glass yet

It gave me a minor buzz. But well worth it.

All in all I loved the beer, and I am walking the line of a 6 or a 5 beer rating on this one so I am going to make an in between call and since it is aged in Bourbon Barrels anyway 

I am rating this fine beer from Schlafly a 5 beer and one shot brew (a 5 and a half) Excellent brew, a must try.

To view what all the ratings mean go to the 52 Beers to try Before You die Bucket list page

Disclaimer I am a beer drinker and a beginner home brewer the above is only my taste buds telling me what I enjoy, it is not the law or rule of the land, these would be the beers that I am grateful to have tried before the day comes when I pass on and meet my maker. 

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