Keep in mind every beer that makes the list from a 1 Beer Rating to the 6 Pack is an excellent beer and worth your time. The purpose of this list is not to trash any beer or company, trust me I like a lot of beer and make a lousy critic. The purpose is for me to expand my beer pallet and try a bunch of nerw beers and explore some of my old favorites after the new experiences. So in rating them, 1 is not bad only to my taste if I had a choice between a 1 beer rated beer and a 6 beer rated beer I would go with the 6, but that is me. Every beer on the list is worth a try (even the Honorable mention beers are still good for one reason or another) I would just avoid the Skunky beers....Anyway Cheers! Let's try some Beers!!!
6 Pack/Mug Rating
Sam Adams Cream Stout (Beer 4)
Schlafly Coffee Stout (Beer 17)
Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA (Beer 31)
Sierra Nevada Blindfold Black IPA (Beer 37)
Boulevard Brewing Co. Calling IPA (Beer 40)
Founders Devil Dancer Triple IPA (Beer 45)
Stone RuinTen Triple IPA (Beer 46)
5 Beers and a Shot Rating

Kind of a 5 and a half rating, when I can't decide
Schlafly Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout (B eer 7)
Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA (Beer 13)
New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale (Beer 18)
Sam Adams Rebel Rouser Double IPA (Beer 26)
Urban Chestnut Count Orlok Black Pumpkin (Beer 51)
Sam Adams Octoberfest (beer 52)
5 Bottles/Mugs Rating
This is a Gold Standard If you don't try these before you Die otherwise on your death bed someone may dick punch you.
Dragon's Milk Stout from New Holland Brewing (Beer 1)
Smoked Pigasus From 4 Hands (Beer 6)
New Belgium Portage (Beer 11)
New Belgium 1554 Black Lager (beer 16)
Sierra Nevada Stout (Beer 30)
Urban Chestnut Zwickel Bavarian Style Lager (Beer 35)
Arrogant Bastard Ale From Stone Brewing (Beer 47)
4 Beers and a Shot
A 4 and a Half

Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale (Beer 15)
Bourbon Aged Holy Moly (Beer 33)
Sierra Nevada Hop Hunter (Beer 34)
4 Bottles/Mugs
These are almost gold if 5 is 24 Karat this is 10 karat Come on you have to grab at least a glass or bottle of this before you meet your maker, if not... Someone may kick your Corpse right in the dick.
1881 Indigenous California Red Ale (Beer 2)
Lagunitas Sucks (Beer 27)
Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye IPA (Beer 38)
Kirkwood Station Brewing Co Midnight Train (Beer 43)
Schlafly Kolcsh (beer 50)
3 Bottles/Mugs and a Shot

Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout (Beer 10)
3 Bottles/Mugs
This is still Silver and silver is still Silver!! Give these Beers a chance, not all will be your mug of Brew but you have to try them. Dick Punch No! A deadman's dick kick? Probably not! But someone may Slap your parents for raising you wrong.
Folklore by Stillwater Artisanal (Beer 3)
Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale From Boulevard (Beer 9)
Boulevard Irish Ale (Beer 12)
Rouge Brutal IPA (Beer21)
Titan IPA (Beer 25)
Great Divide Rumble Oak Aged IPA (Beer 42)
Sam Adams Rebel Rider IPA (Beer 29)
4 Hands Alter Ego Black IPA (Beer 43)
2 Bottles/Mugs
Hey if you get Bronze in the Olypics, you may have gotten third but top three among the worlds best? Come on!!! Take a chance You Pansy!!!
Six Row Brewing Company Porter (Beer 8)
Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Ale (beer 20)
Kona Fire Rock Pale Ale (Beer 28)
Guinness Extra Stout (Beer 32)
1 Bottle/Mug
Okay this may be the lowest rating on this list but every beer here I guarentee is worth your time. What is one glass or bottle of beer going to cost you in the overall scheme of things? If you have drank anything below this level and if you have ever consumed a watered down imposter of a beer (See those B.M.C.big compinies) then you have...Why not try one of these?
Baird / Ishii / Stone Japanese Green Tea IPA (Beer 14)
Honorable Not My Tatse But Worth a Try Rating
In trying beers I have had to add this catagory, for beers that you should try, but for one reason or another did not get rated high enough to be 1-6 beers. Knowing my taste may differ from everyone elses it was only fair to share these beers knowing they may rank very high on your own Bucket list.
Dogfish Head Namaste, Rouge Sriracha Hot Stout Founders All Day IPA
And the Skunky Beer we tried it but won't touch it again Beer
These beers were tried in a process to achieve the 52 beers, but failed to impress enough to be a great beer or even a good beer.
Biere De Mars French Style Stock Ale
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