We had some great beers like as of this moment my new all time favorite Founders Devil Dancer Triple IPA
and Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA
We had really good brews like Dragon's Milk Stout from New Holland Brewing and Sierra Nevada Hop Hunter the list goes on and on from Kirkwood Station Brewing Co Midnight Train to Lagunitas Sucks to Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout IPAs ran a muck this year more than I have ever tried some of the top ones include Rouge Brutal IPA, Sam Adams Rebel Rouser Double IPA , Boulevard Brewing Co. Calling IPA, and Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA among others.
I only had one that was absolutly awful to my taste (as well as my wife and sister in law who try beers with me often) Biere De Mars French Style Stock Ale was the lone Skunky beer face beer this year I guess I am not a fan of sour beers because sour (or Puke flavored with an touch of citrus is what I tasted)

So as I post the final few know I tried well over a Hundred new beers along with retrying beers from a new perspective this year. I honestly have a couple in the fridge right now I have yet to try. I would have to look at the exact numbers, but the this little experiment was a success in many way. Before this year I was not a huge IPA fan, but I became one. I tried IPAs I may have skipped in the past. I became a bigger fan of Scotch Ale. I ventured past my standard Octoberfests, stouts, porters lagers and became a huge fan of Kolsch
Even making a five gallon version ( Our Memorial Day Veterans Kolsch ) which turned out to be one of the best brews of 2015.
So I may post some old standbys fro the final few, but know that this coming year I will continue to try some new ones, But perhaps have a beer of the month. Still rated on a 1 beer to 6 pack scale, but with in a months time I will find the best (not one in the 52 when possible but you never know) and throw it out there. We all have diferent tastes but just like I read about the newest and greatest beers and want to try them based on others reviews I hope these help you guys to try and expand your taste buds...Cheers and Beers From Dirt in My Beer Watch for the final three posted later today....For a full list of the Beers to try before you die or the 52 beer bucket list follow link
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