Okay I am not going ot lie, do not have much of shit for you today, unless you want to hear about how I went for a quick walk with my wife, baby and dog....Since getting outside on my bike has been damn near impossible but I wanted to post something today so I grabbed a video from YouTube you can at least ride through this video...and a quick biker girl pick...I will have Beer 10 in a day or so, stay tuned

This is a blog to chronicle my personal experiences into both Mountain Biking and Brewing Beer. Some days I may just share a beer I bought and really liked or perhaps hated. Some days I may not be the person riding and have a story about Mountain biking that only has to do with me because I was there. The main point is to chronicle my adventures into both subjects and some days bring them together. Dirt in My Beer is a place to post my experiences, good and bad and ugly along the way.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Beers To Try Before you Die or the Beer Bucket 52 List 9 of 52 Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale From Boulevard
Part of the reason for this list was to expand my horizons,
I love Stouts, I could go to my local liquor store (or Packie for my East
Coast Friends) and always find a new Stout to try, and usually do. But I am
making an effort to try more Ale’s IPAs and lagers to give this growing list
some variety, not all of us like the same beers, my tastes are not the end all be all. Anyway a Friend of Mine Chris, suggested
this beer as I watched him post his feet up grilling with a Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale
in hand
Thanks Chris
One of his favorites, so for those who like a Good Ale this
should top your list no matter what the rating says below.
For Me this was another beer at first taste I was not sure about. Again a good thing I never judge a beer by the first taste. Always give it a minute or a few more sips and it could sneak up on you.
That is what Tank 7 did for me. It was a light refreshing beer with a hop and Grapefruit mix to it. I know it may not sound great if you are not a grapefruit fan (I am not) but trust me it is beer enough to not worry about Grapefruit. I would absolutely drink this again during a summer barbecue or a hot summer day. As one of the first citrus type Ale’s on this list I am going to go in between here (I do have the right to update this in the future but need to be able to go up or down on future Ales)
For Me this was another beer at first taste I was not sure about. Again a good thing I never judge a beer by the first taste. Always give it a minute or a few more sips and it could sneak up on you.
That is what Tank 7 did for me. It was a light refreshing beer with a hop and Grapefruit mix to it. I know it may not sound great if you are not a grapefruit fan (I am not) but trust me it is beer enough to not worry about Grapefruit. I would absolutely drink this again during a summer barbecue or a hot summer day. As one of the first citrus type Ale’s on this list I am going to go in between here (I do have the right to update this in the future but need to be able to go up or down on future Ales)
I am going to give Tank 7 a solid 3 beer rating.
Good beer for a barbecue or a summer day.
To view what all the ratings mean go to the 52 Beers to try Before You die Bucket list page
Disclaimer I am a beer drinker and a beginner home brewer the above is only my taste buds telling me what I enjoy, it is not the law or rule of the land, these would be the beers that I am grateful to have tried before the day comes when I pass on and meet my maker.
3 Beers means "This is still Silver (as in Platinum, Gold Silver) and silver is still Silver!! Give these Beers a chance, not all will be your mug of Brew but you have to try them. Dick Punch No! A deadman's dick kick? Probably not! But someone may Slap your parents for raising you wrong."
Good beer for a barbecue or a summer day.
To view what all the ratings mean go to the 52 Beers to try Before You die Bucket list page
Disclaimer I am a beer drinker and a beginner home brewer the above is only my taste buds telling me what I enjoy, it is not the law or rule of the land, these would be the beers that I am grateful to have tried before the day comes when I pass on and meet my maker.
A 50/50 Story The Old man, The Bike and The Mud Beast!!!
A 50/50 Story is based on true events but only half true and
the half that is true is 50 percent over-exaggerated and probably untrue as well…All
in All this is a fictional story based on a possible true event. But at least
it may be entertaining…….
I woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning, now getting out of bed after a long week at 41 is a bit different than jumping out of bed in my early 20's even after an all night drinking binge or whatever else may have been going on back then. The muscles ache the bones creek, but the heart is still the same, as a saying I have heard used to go "Pain is a long way from your heart."
With no original
plans on biking, but the sun shining and the temperatures up, I figured this may be a chance for me to get my butt back on
the saddle again. Once the blurriness was wiped from my eyes the 16 month old
was taken care of by my wonderful wife and all my bike gear was stacked away in
the car I was off to the park.
Still a cool day but so much more comfortable than the two
weeks of 20 and 30 degree weather the proceeded it, I was a bit chilly at first
jumping onto my bike, with the wind in my face, but as I peddled away the
warmth came back into my body. As I crossed the cement path to make my way over
to the mountain bike trail I noticed the muddy surroundings in the woods on the
way. In the back of my mind I thought “Oh shit!” and the wind was let out of my
sails. But I was here, I was going to at least take a look.
I arrived at the trail and it looked okay to begin with, so I
jumped on the path. Over a few hills and into the woods it all began. My legs
pumped through the ground as it became softer and softer, almost like it was
transforming into some wild beast wanting to drag my old ass under the
It was a slow a battle to not
only just finish the loop but to stay on the bike and fight back against the
trail that was now a living slippery, and sticky monster in itself.
I would plug away on the straight lines with my tired out of
shape from the winter legs, avoiding the path when I could to stay on dryer
ground. Then I would go from the sticky trail that was trying to consume my
tires, to the slick turns that seemed to want to send me off into the woods as
I took the corner.
In my mind I kept thinking I only have a little ways to go,
as mud kicked up into every crevice on the bike and up my back to make it
appear as though I may have had an accident or butt explosion that gravity had
no effect on.
I came over a hill and gained the speed usually needed to
climb the next, but due to the shoddy cornering I slipped a bit lost some
valuable speed and had to try and crank up the steep incline.
As I was reaching
the top it was as if everything slowed to a slow motion crawl. I could see the
end if I could just get over the final hump, I would again be going downhill
and off to the final leg of this mud caked journey. But the hill was fighting
back, and decided to only tease me as I approached the escape route my back
wheel slipped and traction was torn out from underneath my bike. I could feel
or almost hear the muddy monster laughing at me as if to say “You may have
almost gotten away with your ride Old man, but I was going to have the final
say in it all.”
All I could say was “SHIT!” as my foot came off the pedal to
try and grab some slippery ground and stop any momentum back toward the bottom
of this hill (or mud slide). It kind of felt like this,
As my foot made contact the hill still had other
plans for me, the bike started its downward decent to the ground and my foot
was pulled backward in the mud. I caught it all in the very last second, but
felt pretty stupid just trying to stand up without falling into the mud. If
anyone else was dumb enough to be riding they may have laughed at the comedy
act that probably only lasted a few seconds but felt like a long time. The other riders if out there were probably already swallowed by the Mud Beast....
Once under control I walked my bike (along the grass) to the
top got back on and finished this horrendous muddy journey back to the cement
I got off my bike cleaned the mud off my water bottle and
sucked down as much as I could. I cleaned off some mud pies from various
sections off my bike and my legs and took a quick look back at the woods I knew
I would be riding again, a tamer more manageable trail once the sun settled the
Mud beast. I would be back to kick its ass. Hopefully no one else decided to try and tame the monster on this day....Or
But for that moment I swear I could hear the
trail itself laughing out loud at the old man and the bike. Saying, "No matter how dry I get I will be waiting!!!"
Monday, February 23, 2015
The "Almost Daily" Beer and Bike Log Feb 23, 2015
This weekend was still not a productive Bike weekend, but I
want to say I was able to try three beers and three beers that will make the 52Beers to Try before you Die Bucket list (the first is already posted here SixRow Porter )
The other two were Old Rasputin Imperial Stout, and Tank 7 Farmhouse
On Friday I stopped by my favorite Liquor store Randall's and perused the
Craft beer section,
so many beers and not enough budgeted aside for it. I set
about twenty bucks aside for this little trip. I could have blown it right away
on a couple of Stouts I had some interest in tasting that were about 16-18
bucks. But I wanted to grab a couple so I found one that was referred to me by
a friend here in St Lois (Thanks Chris) The Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale by Boulevard
brewing in Kansas City. A good beer but more on it in my actual Review, it made
the list so I did think high enough of it to put it on there.
So Friday I drank the Tank 7,
Saturday the Old Rasputin
Sunday which was a day filled with sports (the Daytona 500, A televised Bruins
Blackhawks Game, where my Bruins woke from hibernation to Maul the Blackhawks
GO B’s) and some UFC that night I decided on my way home from yet another of my
favorite sports, my Daughters softball practice. Tried to pick up another brew
to try making it a rounded out weekend and trying to reach beer 10 of the 52 if
it was good enough. So I picked up the Six Row Porter
along with a single
bottle of All Day IPA From Founders Brewing company (have not tried it yet)
I have learned I either am not a very good critic, or have a
taste for full flavor great Craft beer, because I have yet to not rate one or
give it a Skunky beer face rating.
Oh well what can I say I enjoy different
types of beer from different companies. More to follow......
Beers To Try Before you Die or the Beer Bucket 52 List 8 of 52 Six Row Brewing Co. Porter
This was a Beer at first taste I was not sure if I liked it.
But luckily I do not always judge a beer on the first taste (unless it just absolutely
blows my mind)
Sometimes though a beer grows on me as I sip it and Six Row Brewing Company’s Porter was one
of those. I think at first taste I was expecting something else (not sure what, maybe a stronger kick after trying some Bourbon aged beers) but after a few
minutes the flavor was great It was a “well Balanced” Taste of Chocolate,
Coffee and hops It took me a few sips to come around.
Another really good
beer and one that I can enjoy giving some local love to as I live in St Louis
would say a 2 beer vote on this only because I like the stronger tastes of
others not so much because I disliked this by any means
(remember a 2 beer here
is still an excellent beer, as described on my 52 Beers Before you die Bucket list page
"Hey if you get Bronze in the Olympics, you may have gotten third but top three among the worlds best? Come on!!! Take a chance You Pansy!!!"
if a beer does not make this list it still does not make it bad, it just means my taste did not merit enough for a 1 Beer rating on my list, the only bad rating is a skunky face that is a beer I would not recommend myself, but that does
not mean it is not your cup of tea or Mug of beer.
Friday, February 20, 2015
The Almost Daily Beer and Bike Log Feb 20, 2015 Sick as a dog!!!
Well in a world where you get just left of Ebola sick (okay
not that bad) and sit around for a couple of days not much gets done on your
blog, in your life or anything else for that matter, other than a bunch of TV
and Netflix. Can’t say I watched much to do with Brewing or biking (the lack of
it not by choice) but caught up on some Homeland recordings and watched the Don
Cherry Story 1 & 2 (if you are a hockey fan I highly recommend it) On the
plus side I listened to some more of Brewing up a Business and it is giving me
that itch to not only get trying some more beers but making my own. Do I think
I am going to start some brew pub and become rich? No! But I would love to
start brewing and sharing what I have made. I finally made an appointment to
take my Beer Brewing Class that my sister in law bought me for Christmas. It is
a few weeks away but I cannot wait. Don’t
know much about the place yet only what I read on their web site St Louis Wineand Beer Making
So this will either be the beginning of a
wonderful hobby or the end of the actual making as this blog becomes more about
biking and drinking beer. Anyway this is
just a short I am still alive post hopefully more regular posts soon. And watch
for Beer number 8 (not sure yet) this coming week in the 52 Beers To Try before you Die Bucket List
Monday, February 16, 2015
The Almost Daily Beer And Bike Log: Feb. 16, 2015 Snow and Stout
So as the eternal winter continues, the bike remains in the
shed. Most of what matters about the weekend this week was in my Beer to try
Before you die bucket list. Where I found a nice Schlafly Bourbon Barrel aged Imperial Stout, while
searching for something else.
Again it reminds me of the days when shopping for
music or movies and you intend on buying one thing and discover something else
that turned out to be great.
I did start listening to the Audio Book Brewing Up aBusiness, about Dofgfish Head and Owner Sam Calagione
So far very interesting, it does not
seem like it is going to teach me anything about the actual brewing of beer,
but some great info and encouragement for pushing on to making your own beer
(or you could replace beer with any business venture and it is still a pretty
good book so far)
I was able to get a run in before the extreme cold set in
this weekend (don’t want to get on that bike and not be in any sort of physical
shape that would not be as much fun, got to keep the lungs working)
Other than enjoying a nice Stout
and getting some home stuff
done not a very exciting weekend, and the week ahead doesn't seem like it is going
to get much better. If something happens I will let you know……….
Beers To Try Before you Die or the Beer Bucket 52 List 7 of 52 Schlafly Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout
On Friday Afternoon I made a quick stop to get my wife some
flowers, a couple of Steaks for the grill and I wanted to grab a bottle of SamAdams Double Bock which I had read about a day prior.
Well I could check off
the other two items, Valentines day mission complete on that front, but they
did not have the beer I was looking for.
I kind of felt like the these
Stormtroopers looking for those damn Droids…. Well Double Bock I will find you!! Oh yes I will!!!!
Made locally here in St Louis,
I figured why not try something from my
own backyard this week.
And it was an Imperial Stout aged in Bourbon barrels,
what could possibly be bad about that? The answer. Nothing! It was a dark Malty
beer that finished with a kick from the Kentucky Bourbon. This is the type of
beer I want to make. Delicious. Now the
Kick was absolutely a kick, I had not had much to eat and was making some Pork
steaks (a St Louis thing) on the grill, so sipping the beer before diner was
ready and with the 10.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume)
I assure you it was Schlafly even though I had the Sam Adams glass, I don't own a Stout glass yet
It gave me a minor buzz. But
well worth it.
All in all I loved the beer, and I am walking the line of a
6 or a 5 beer rating on this one so I am going to make an in between call and
since it is aged in Bourbon Barrels anyway
I am rating this fine beer from
Schlafly a 5 beer and one shot brew (a 5 and a half) Excellent brew, a must
To view what all the ratings mean go to the 52 Beers to try Before You die Bucket list page
Disclaimer I am a beer drinker and a beginner home brewer the above is only my taste buds telling me what I enjoy, it is not the law or rule of the land, these would be the beers that I am grateful to have tried before the day comes when I pass on and meet my maker.
To view what all the ratings mean go to the 52 Beers to try Before You die Bucket list page
Disclaimer I am a beer drinker and a beginner home brewer the above is only my taste buds telling me what I enjoy, it is not the law or rule of the land, these would be the beers that I am grateful to have tried before the day comes when I pass on and meet my maker.
Friday, February 13, 2015
The Daily (sometimes) Beer and Bike Log Feb 13, 2015 Update
Okay I have not written much this week, simply because there
has not been much to tell. No riding, to muddy and too cold. Not much in the
way of drinking any new beers, but that is coming this weekend I can assure you
on that. And really overall I don’t think you want to read about how I came
home played with my 16 month old, talked about school stuff with the 17 year
old as I held on for dear life as she learns to drive, and tried to have quiet
time with my lovely wife. Just not that exciting, for the rest of you.
So just as an update, I am about to start reading Sam Calagiones Brewing Up a Business about how he got Dogfish Head Brewery started.
I am going to try a couple of new beers this coming weekend
and trying to pick up Sam Adams Beer of the Month Double Bock
So Hopefully i will have a little more to tell you next
week. I am starting a once in a while exaggeration post called A 50/50 Story, 50
percent of the story is true and 50 percent of that is probably an over- exaggeration.
But I can assure you it will always be based on a fact or incident that occurred,
it just may be told from my point of view of either how I thought shit should
have gone down or how I felt shit really went down. Anyway keep an eye out for
them the first is already written and is called The Old man, The Bike, and The
Mud Beast.
Since it is the end of the week I leave you with this............
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Mountain Bike 101 From the Net! HOW TO MOUNTAIN BIKE: World's Best Downhill Mountain Bike Lesson
A Great Find on YouTube from ZEP Mountain Bike Camps Great tops on how to improve control and handling on your bike
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The Daily Beer and Bike Log Feb 10: So Much Beer So Little Time!!
Well I have realized the winter is a tough time to try and
give a daily account about my newest experience in Mountain biking. Also the
fact that I have a toddler makes it a bit tough to try and experience all that
the world has to offer in beer with actual taste…You know not the B.M.C.
generic beers of the world.
So today trying to compose in my mind what I should write
about I thought about how I see beer drinking now and how I saw it about 20
years (yes I just realized I graduated High School in 1991 so over twenty years
ago I used to sneak my warm ass beers to drink)
On the one side years (or Beers) ago it was whatever we
could get. Busch was usually the case of choice
since it was cheap and we had
to pay someone to buy it for our 16 year old asses. I know these days the SWAT
team would be at the door of that very person (what is the statute of
limitations on buying for a minor?) I big splurge would be something like Budweiser
or wait for it…. Rolling Rock, yes Rolling Rock and it’s pretty green
In those days it was never about
the taste, to be honest I never enjoyed the taste, I just wanted the liquid
courage to act like a moron and talk to girls.
As I got a bit older and could legally buy, I found the
slight differences between Bud, Bud Light, Bud Ice (Beware the penguin…
that ad? It was cool because I love Hockey GO BRUINS!!!) Miller Genuine Draft
and Miller light (sorry Lite) Also there were the late night runs and Milwaukee’s
best (or the Beast) cheap ass horrible beer.

As time went by and I discovered the world of Craft beer
(thank you Sam Adams one of the granddaddy’s of them all) I also discovered a
whole world of shopping for something different. Before the days of Netflix and
iTunes I used to love the experience of shopping for movies or music. That
feeling that on any given day you could find a diamond in the rough an album,
CD or movie that you had never heard of but were willing to take a chance on.
Sometimes you found it, while other times you wished you could get your money
back. Well beer these days is the same way there is so much to choose from.
have all the different companies big and small like Sam Adams, Stone, DogfishHead, and smaller local brews (in our case here in St Louis Places like Schlafly,
O’Fallon, or 4 Hands) And a Liquor store (or
Packie for my friends on the East coast) like Randall’s that have beer ratings
much like wine has always been rated. Lagers. Ales, Porters, IPA’s Stouts and
combinations made in Bourbon barrels.
Long gone are my days of knowing I am
going in to just pick up a six pack or a case of the usual. Don’t get me wrong
there are seasonal beers I keep stocked in my fridge Sam Adams Octoberfest, or
Summer Ale, but grabbing a new flavored six pack or even a specialty 22 oz to
try with family or friends is a rush. It is the same feeling sometimes the beer
is a complete Album you can listen to from start to finish and other times you
find a lot of fat and very little meat.
for a new brew is a great experience, in my 20 plus years of drinking beer, I
have gone from drinking to get drunk to drinking to enjoy the flavor and experience
of a brand new diamond in the rough. So the next time you are reaching for the
same old beer, be adventurous take a chance, start out small if your comfort
zone is Lagers, try something from another brewery. Then expand your horizons
try an Ale, than a Stout, etc….
There is so much beer out there to experience, why limit
yourself to the same bottle everyday?
Disclaimer: I am no expert in anything on this blog as it states it is a Beginners journey into Mountain Biking and Beer Brewing. These are just opinion and observation pieces through my eyes as things happen. It is my personal journal for the world to see, that is all. Anything technical I would always refer you to some sort of expert, be it a brewer, or bike shop.
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