Commercial breweries use filtering agents to get that clear look, and we've been trained by countless television commercials to expect it. The truth is, though, there's usually nothing wrong with beer that's a little cloudy.
However, there is a line you don't want to cross. When you're beer goes from a little cloudy to really murky, it's time to look at two potential problems:
1. Improper Sanitizing - It's amazing how many batch problems can be traced back to this. All it takes is a little bacterial contamination to ruin a good batch.

2. Slow Wort Chill - If you don't get the temperature down quickly, you open the batch up to rogue bacteria. The sooner you can get your yeast in there, the better. Many home brewers use an immersion chiller to avoid this problem.
Both of these problems are easily overcome, and you'll be on your way to clear (or, at least, clearer) beer in no time!
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