Really just winging it today so stick with me. My lack of
Mountain Bike riding, cabin fever state I have been looking through numerous
magazines and watching videos via YouTube and Netflix.
And this post is more an
observation and random thought process than anything else.
sports have their venue, and there are special places old like Fenway Park (GO SOX!!!)
New like The Stadium in Dallas (Suck it Cowboys) with the Giant ass TV’s.
And you can attend a
game at any number of these places, but other than being a fan you are not participating.
Whereas Mountain Biking, has venues that you can participate in and admire.
I grabbed just some random pictures from Google and they are

Oh wait those are not the pics, well they still are eye catching aren’t
they? I know I will stoop to any level to get your readership....Since we are here I Like this one....
Anyhow, the riding as always is just amazing, when seeing
the riders jump and fly through the still pics,
but the backdrops, the scenery,
are all places anyone of us can go.
Are we all going to drop in from 70 feet
out in Utah?
No ( I would love to try though)
But from coast to coast there are
parks, trails and mountain areas we can ride, that are nice in their own way.
Weather flying through the woods locally,
or taking a trip into the mountains,
or desert and really roughing it.
If you appreciate your surroundings and keep
in mind this is your stadium. You can never lose.
Now none of us have thousands of fans screaming
our names, but it is still something to take in that is on a personal level
just outstanding.
And if you are like me at the moment stuck inside drinking a
beer (see it is not all bad, I will review this current beer down the road) and
flipping through the latest Bike magazines, and my process always works like
this with a new magazine.
I go from page one through the entire mag, glancing
at the stories I will soon read but looking at the photography that is either
attached to the articles or plastered across the pages. I am a photographer (or
videographer if you want to be technical) by trade so I appreciate the pretty
There is not much like a fresh new copy of Bike or DirtRag in my
mailbox to sit down and page through. But I still can't wait for the weather to break so I can get out and make my own memories in my personal venues.
And tell you all about it....
And when all else fails on the picture front we can still grab your attention with the lovely Mountain Bike Babes
Keep Following
Disclaimer: I am no expert in anything on this blog as it states it is a Beginners journey into Mountain Biking and Beer Brewing. These are just opinion and observation pieces through my eyes as things happen. It is my personal journal for the world to see, that is all. Anything technical I would always refer you to some sort of expert, be it a brewer, or bike shop.