Friday, August 29, 2014

A Taste Analysis of 36 Cheap Beers Ranked By Will Gorden

For those of you who still have not discovered that there are thousands of great tasting beers out there , made by people in your own community, that have nothing to do with the Big Box B.M.C. (Bud Miller Coors) bullshit crap brews on the shelves, this one is for you. Finally a descriptive taste analysis for the cheap beer drinker (keep in mind it is not a bad thing to drink cheap beer, but is a shame to drink shitty beer)  Here is a list from Will Gordon on Deadspin which ranks these gross ass watered down excuses for beers from  Worst to least worst..
With Example like Number 33 Rolling Rock. Smells like three fat guys in a two-man tent.

Or 26 Bud Light. Tastes like printer paper and often gives the impression of unfreshness

And one of my favorites #23 Natural Ice. The soggy cardboard sensation fades after the first several cans, turning Natty Ice into a serviceable alternative to sobriety.

If you want to see the rest go to the link it is funny as hell especially when he "describes" Budwieser...Good Stuff

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